Algorithm (Counter)
Let $A$ be the input array. We note that $A[1:m]$ is a valid prefix of $A$ if and only if it is of the following form:
- $[a,....,a]$
- $[a_{1},…,a_{n}]$ such that $a_{1}\neq a_{2}\neq…\neq a_{n}$
- $\mathcal{G}=[G_{1},G_{2},…,G_{l-1},G_{l}]$ where $G_{i}$ is the equivalent class fromed by the relationship $x\sim y\text{ iff }x=y$ and $\text{map}(\lambda x.\mathrm{size}(x),\mathcal{G})\in\{(k,…,k,1),(k,…,k,k+1)\}.$
These three conditions could be verified by two counters maps in a linear scan.
class Solution {
int maxEqualFreq(vector<int>& nums) {
const auto solution = [&](int acc = INT_MIN) {
struct state_t {
std::unordered_map<int, int> counter_of_counter;
std::unordered_map<int, int> counter;
const state_t& update(int num) {
if (--counter_of_counter[counter[num]] <= 0)
return *this;
for (auto[i, state] = pair{0, state_t{}}; i < size(nums); ++i) {
const auto &[counter_of_counter, counter] = state.update(nums[i]);
if (size(counter_of_counter) == 1) {
const auto [freq1, cnt1] = *begin(counter_of_counter);
if (cnt1 == 1 or freq1 == 1)
acc = std::max(acc, i + 1);
else if (size(counter_of_counter) == 2) {
const auto [freq1, cnt1] = *begin(counter_of_counter);
const auto [freq2, cnt2] = *(std::next(begin(counter_of_counter)));
if ((freq1 == 1 and cnt1 == 1) or (freq2 == 1 and cnt2 == 1))
acc = std::max(acc, i + 1);
else if (freq1 + 1 == freq2 and cnt2 ==1)
acc = std::max(acc, i + 1);
else if (freq2 + 1 == freq1 and cnt1 ==1)
acc = std::max(acc, i + 1);
return acc;
return solution;