这个帖子sequence /39870/留着以后写
这样写的时候就是几十天之后的沉贴,太机智了, 偷偷
Explore Card大作战: Version: 0.8August全勤Challenge
$1.$ Detect Capital #LC.520
return word[1:]==word[1:].lower() or word==word.upper() #python
bool detectCapitalUse(string word) { //bool返回(即判断)True/False #c++
for(int i = 1; i < word.size(); i++){
if(isupper(word[1]) != isupper(word[i]) ||
islower(word[0]) && isupper(word[i])) return false;
return true;
$2.$ Design HashSet #LC.705
- add(value): Insert a value into the HashSet.
- contains(value) : Return whether the value exists in the HashSet or not.
- remove(value): Remove a value in the HashSet. If the value does not exist in the HashSet, do nothing.
class MyHashSet:
def __init__(self):
self.arr = [None] * 8
self.capacity = 8
self.size = 0
self.thres = 2 / 3
def hash(self, key): return key % self.capacity
def rehash(self, key): return (5 * key + 1) % self.capacity
def insertPos(self, key):
pos = self.hash(key)
#using -1 to represent the "removed" item
while self.arr[pos] is not None:
if self.arr[pos] == key: return -1
#here is the small bug, the following item may contain the key
if self.arr[pos] == -1: break
pos = self.rehash(pos)
return pos
def safeAdd(self, key):
pos = self.insertPos(key)
#already in,
if pos == -1: return
self.arr[pos] = key
self.size += 1
def safeAddArr(self, arr):
for val in arr:
if val is not None: self.safeAdd(val)
def add(self, key: int) -> None:
def preAdd(self):
if self.size / self.capacity <= self.thres: return
self.capacity <<= 1
oldArr, self.arr = copy.deepcopy(self.arr), [None] * self.capacity
#fix the small bug by precheck before add
if self.contains(key): return
def remove(self, key: int) -> None:
pos = self.hash(key)
while self.arr[pos] is not None:
if self.arr[pos] == key:
#you cannot assign None, because you will lose track of continuous items
self.arr[pos] = -1
self.size -= 1
pos = self.rehash(pos)
def contains(self, key: int) -> bool:
pos = self.hash(key)
while self.arr[pos] is not None:
if self.arr[pos] == key: return True
pos = self.rehash(pos)
return False
# Your MyHashSet object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = MyHashSet()
# obj.add(key)
# obj.remove(key)
# param_3 = obj.contains(key)
$3.$ LC114. 二叉树展开为链表
给定一个二叉树,原地将它展开为一个单链表。#注:要记得把左子树置空 (避免环)
class Solution:
def flatten(self, root: TreeNode) -> None:
Do not return anything, modify root in-place instead.
if(root == None): return
tmp = root.right
root.right = root.left
root.left = None
while(root.right != None): root = root.right
root.right = tmp
注释#先把左右子树捋直 (可删)
tmp = root.right #把捋直的右子树备份一下
root.right = root.left #把捋直的左子树放到右边
root.left = None #记得把左子树置空
while(root.right): #找到现在右子树的最后一个node
root = root.right
root.right = tmp #把捋直的原来的右子树接上去
c++版一样 都是递归,不过self不需要 直接flatten(root.left).. etc.
$4. $Valid Palindrome
Given a string, determine if it is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring cases.
Input: "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"
Output: true
class Solution {
bool isPalindrome(string s) {
for (int i = 0, j = s.size() - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { // Move 2 pointers from each end until they collide
while (isalnum(s[i]) == false && i < j) i++; // Increment left pointer if not alphanumeric
while (isalnum(s[j]) == false && i < j) j--; // Decrement right pointer if no alphanumeric
if (toupper(s[i]) != toupper(s[j])) return false; // Exit and return error if not match
return true;
$6.$ LC.442.Find All Duplicates in an Array
Rearragnge number重排列 O(n) time/O(1) space
class Solution(object):
def findDuplicates(self, nums):
for i in range(len(nums)):
while i != nums[i] - 1 and nums[i] != nums[nums[i]-1]:
nums[nums[i]-1], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[nums[i]-1]
return [nums[it] for it in range(len(nums)) if it != nums[it] - 1]
- Iterator for Combination 字母组合迭代器 迭代排列组合
位运算 Bit manipulation
set<string>GenaretallComb(string s,int len){
int mask = 1<<s.length();
string comString = "";
for(int no=1;no<mask;no++){
int num = no,i = 0;
if(num&1)comString = comString + s[i];
comString = "";
return hold;
class CombinationIterator {
set <string> :: iterator cur;
CombinationIterator(string characters, int combinationLength) {
this->st = GenaretallComb(characters,combinationLength);
this->cur = begin(st);
string next() {
return !(cur==end(st))?*cur++:"";
bool hasNext() {
return !(cur==end(st));
class CombinationIterator:
def __init__(self, characters: str, combinationLength: int):
self.characters = characters
self.n = len(characters)
self.combinations = gen_combinations(self.n, combinationLength)
self.ind = len(self.combinations) - 1
def next(self) -> str:
s = ""
for i in range(self.n):
if self.combinations[self.ind][i] != "0":
s += self.characters[i]
self.ind -= 1
return s
def hasNext(self) -> bool:
return self.ind > -1
def gen_combinations(l, n):
end = int("1" * l, 2)
ans = []
for i in range(end + 1):
b = bin(i)[2:]
if b.count('1') == n:
return ans
$17.$ 买卖股票的最佳时机 III
class Solution:
def maxProfit(self, prices):
n = len(prices)
if n < 2:
return 0
dp1 = [0 for _ in range(n)]
dp2 = [0 for _ in range(n)]
minval = prices[0]
maxval = prices[-1]
for i in range(1,n):
dp1[i] = max(dp1[i-1], prices[i] - minval)
minval = min(minval, prices[i])
for i in range(n-2,-1,-1):
dp2[i] = max(dp2[i+1], maxval - prices[i])
maxval = max(maxval, prices[i])
dp = [dp1[i] + dp2[i] for i in range(n)]
return max(dp)
class Solution {
int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) {
return f(prices, 0, 0, 0);
* @param prices
* @param i 当前考虑第几天
* @param hasStock 是否有股票在手
* @param counts 已经交易的次数(每买一次股票就加一)
* @return
int f(vector<int>& prices, int i, int hasStock, int counts) {
// 如果已经买了两次股票,并且手里已经没有股票了,那么后面的天数不需要考虑
if(i >= prices.size() || (counts >= 2 && hasStock < 1))
return 0;
// 如果手里有股票,我可以选择卖或者不卖
if(hasStock > 0)
return max(prices[i] + f(prices, i+1, 0, counts), f(prices, i+1, 1, counts));
// 如果没有股票,我可以选择买或者不买
return max(-prices[i] + f(prices, i+1, 1, counts+1), f(prices, i+1, 0, counts));
自己修改的c++版 52 ms 5.89%
class Solution {
public: int maxProfit(vector<int> prices) {
int m = prices.size();
vector<vector<vector<int>>> dp(m+1, vector<vector<int>>(2+1, vector<int>(2,0)));
dp[0][2][1] = dp[0][1][1] = -1e8;
dp[0][2][1] = dp[0][1][1] = -1e8;
for(int i = 1; i<=m; i++)
for(int k=1; k<=2; k++){ //表示用了k次交易
dp[i][k][0] = max(dp[i-1][k][1] + prices[i-1], dp[i-1][k][0]);
dp[i][k][1] = max(dp[i-1][k-1][0] - prices[i-1], dp[i-1][k][1]);
return max(dp[m][1][0], dp[m][2][0]);
public int maxProfit(int[] prices) {
int len = prices.length;
if (len == 0) return 0;
int k = 2;
int[][][] dp = new int[len][k+1][2];
for(int i = 0; i < len; i ++){
for(int j = k; j > 0; j --){
if (i == 0){
dp[i][j][0] = 0;
//当i=0,手里有股票,因为还没有盈利,最大利润为 负prices[i]
dp[i][j][1] = -prices[i];
//今天手里没股票,比较MAX(前一天可能没股票,前一天有股票但是今天卖出去了,卖出去就有利润,所以+ prices[i])
dp[i][j][0] = Math.max(dp[i-1][j][0], dp[i-1][j][1] + prices[i]);
//今天手里有股票,比较MAX(前一天可能有股票,前一天没股票但是今天买了,买了就有成本,所以- prices[i])
dp[i][j][1] = Math.max(dp[i-1][j][1], dp[i-1][j-1][0] - prices[i]);
return dp[len-1][k][0];
哈哈哈 我都没怎么写思路 只有代码hhh 过几天写hh