#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Node {
Node *s[2], *f;
int v, c;
Node(int v, Node *a, Node *b, Node *f): v(v), f(f), c(0) {
s[0] = a;
s[1] = b;
Node *rt, *nil;
Node *newNode(int v, Node *f) {
return new Node(v, nil, nil, f);
Node *rotate(Node *x) {
Node *y = x->f, *z = y->f;
int p = y->s[1] == x; Node *c = x->s[p ^ 1];
if (z != nil) z->s[z->s[1] == y] = x;
else rt = x;
x->f = z, x->s[p ^ 1] = y;
y->f = x, y->s[p] = c;
c->f = y;
return x;
bool hasRed(Node *u) {
return u->s[0]->c == 0 || u->s[1]->c == 0;
Node *bro(Node *x) {
Node *y = x->f; int p = y->s[1] == x;
return y->s[p ^ 1];
Node *insFix(Node *z) {
if (!hasRed(z)) return z;
Node *y = z->s[0]->c == 0 ? z->s[0] : z->s[1];
Node *u = bro(y);
int to = z->s[1] == y;
if (u->c == 0) {
if (hasRed(u) || hasRed(y)) {
z->c = 0;
u->c = y->c = 1;
return z;
if (hasRed(y)) {
Node *x = y->s[to]->c == 0 ? y->s[to] : y->s[to ^ 1];
if ((y->s[1] == x) ^ (z->s[1] == y)) {
y = rotate(x);
z = rotate(y);
z->c = 1;
z->s[0]->c = z->s[1]->c = 0;
return z;
Node *insert(int v, Node *p = nil, Node *u = rt) {
if (u == nil) return newNode(v, p);
if (u->v == v) return u;
int to = u->v < v;
u->s[to] = insert(v, u, u->s[to]);
return insFix(u);
Node *remFix(Node *z) {
if (z->s[0]->c != 2 && z->s[1]->c != 2) return z;
Node *y = z->s[0]->c == 2 ? z->s[0] : z->s[1], *u = bro(y);
int to = z->s[1] == y;
if (u->c == 0) {
z = rotate(u);
y = z->s[to];
z->c = 1;
y->c = 0;
z->s[to] = remFix(y);
return z;
y->c = 1;
if (!hasRed(u)) {
z->c += 1;
u->c -= 1;
return z;
Node *x = u->s[to ^ 1]->c == 0 ? u->s[to ^ 1] : u->s[to];
if ((u->s[1] == x) ^ (z->s[1] == u)) {
u = rotate(x);
z = rotate(u);
z->c = z->s[to]->c;
z->s[0]->c = z->s[1]->c = 1;
return z;
Node *remove(int v, Node *u = rt) {
if (u == nil) return u;
if (u->v != v) {
int to = u->v < v;
Node *nw = remove(v, u->s[to]);
u->s[to] = nw;
nw->f = u;
} else if (u->s[0] != nil && u->s[1] != nil) {
Node *t = u->s[1];
while (t->s[0] != nil) t = t->s[0];
u->v = t->v;
Node *nw = remove(t->v, u->s[1]);
u->s[1] = nw;
nw->f = u;
} else {
Node *t = u->s[0] != nil ? u->s[0] : u->s[1];
t->c += u->c;
t->f = u;
return t;
return remFix(u);
void dfs(int tp, Node *u) {
if (u == nil) return ;
if (tp) cout << u->v << ' ' << (u->c ? 'B' : 'R') << ' ';
dfs(tp, u->s[0]);
if (!tp) cout << u->v << ' ' << (u->c ? 'B' : 'R') << ' ';
dfs(tp, u->s[1]);
signed main() {
nil = new Node(0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
nil->s[0] = nil;
nil->s[1] = nil;
nil->f = nil;
nil->c = 1;
rt = nil;
int n; cin >> n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
string op; int x; cin >> op >> x;
if (op[0] == 'I') rt = insert(x);
else rt = remove(x);
rt->c = 1;
nil->c = 1;
dfs(0, rt);
cout << "\n\n";
dfs(1, rt);
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int N = 200011;
struct Node {
int s[2], f;
int v, c;
int idx;
int rt;
int rotate(int x) {
int y = tr[x].f, z = tr[y].f;
int p = tr[y].s[1] == x, c = tr[x].s[p ^ 1];
if (z) tr[z].s[tr[z].s[1] == y] = x;
else rt = x;
tr[x].f = z, tr[x].s[p ^ 1] = y;
tr[y].f = x, tr[y].s[p] = c;
tr[c].f = y;
return x;
bool hasRed(int u) {
return tr[tr[u].s[0]].c == 0 || tr[tr[u].s[1]].c == 0;
int bro(int x) {
int y = tr[x].f, p = tr[y].s[1] == x;
return tr[y].s[p ^ 1];
int deal(int z) {
if (!hasRed(z)) return z;
int y = tr[tr[z].s[0]].c == 0 ? tr[z].s[0] : tr[z].s[1];
int to = tr[z].s[1] == y;
int u = bro(y);
if (tr[u].c == 0) {
if (hasRed(u) || hasRed(y)) {
tr[z].c = 0;
tr[u].c = tr[y].c = 1;
return z;
if (hasRed(y)) {
int x = tr[tr[y].s[to]].c == 0 ? tr[y].s[to] : tr[y].s[to ^ 1];
if ((tr[y].s[1] == x) ^ (tr[z].s[1] == y)) {
y = rotate(x);
z = rotate(y);
tr[z].c = 1;
tr[tr[z].s[0]].c = tr[tr[z].s[1]].c = 0;
return z;
int newNode(int v, int p) {
int u = ++idx;
tr[u].v = v;
tr[u].f = p;
tr[u].c = 0;
return u;
int insert(int u, int v, int p) {
if (!u) return newNode(v, p);
if (tr[u].v == v) return u;
int to = tr[u].v < v;
tr[u].s[to] = insert(tr[u].s[to], v, u);
return deal(u);
int beal(int z) {
if (tr[tr[z].s[0]].c != 2 && tr[tr[z].s[1]].c != 2) return z;
int y = tr[tr[z].s[0]].c == 2 ? tr[z].s[0] : tr[z].s[1], u = bro(y);
int to = tr[z].s[1] == y;
if (tr[u].c == 0) { // red unc
z = rotate(u);
y = tr[z].s[to];
tr[z].c = 1;
tr[y].c = 0;
tr[z].s[to] = beal(y);
return z;
tr[y].c = 1;
if (!hasRed(u)) { // black unc
tr[z].c += 1;
tr[u].c -= 1;
return z;
int x = tr[tr[u].s[to ^ 1]].c == 0 ? tr[u].s[to ^ 1] : tr[u].s[to];
if ((tr[u].s[1] == x) ^ (tr[z].s[1] == u)) {
u = rotate(x);
z = rotate(u);
tr[z].c = tr[tr[z].s[to]].c;
tr[tr[z].s[0]].c = tr[tr[z].s[1]].c = 1;
return z;
int remove(int u, int v) {
if (!u) return u;
if (tr[u].v != v) {
int to = tr[u].v < v;
int nw = remove(tr[u].s[to], v);
tr[u].s[to] = nw;
tr[nw].f = u;
} else if (tr[u].s[0] && tr[u].s[1]) {
int t = tr[u].s[1];
while (tr[t].s[0]) t = tr[t].s[0];
tr[u].v = tr[t].v;
int nw = remove(tr[u].s[1], tr[t].v);
tr[u].s[1] = nw;
tr[nw].f = u;
} else {
int t = tr[u].s[0] + tr[u].s[1];
tr[t].c += tr[u].c;
tr[t].f = u;
return t;
return beal(u);
void dfs(int tp, int u) {
if (!u) return ;
if (tp == 1) cout << tr[u].v << ' ' << (tr[u].c ? "B" : "R") << ' ';
dfs(tp, tr[u].s[0]);
if (tp == 0) cout << tr[u].v << ' ' << (tr[u].c ? "B" : "R") << ' ';
dfs(tp, tr[u].s[1]);
signed main() {
tr[0].c = 1;
int n; cin >> n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
string op; int x; cin >> op >> x;
if (op[0] == 'I') rt = insert(rt, x, 0);
else rt = remove(rt, x);
tr[rt].c = 1;
dfs(0, rt);
cout << "\n\n";
dfs(1, rt);
return 0;